Dynaco Dynakit Stereo 70


Dynaco Dynakit Stereo 70

Full services, new RCA connectors, new Speakers connectors.


  • Etapa de potencia a válvulas en configuración Push-Pull Ultralineal
  • Potencia: 35 watios continuos. Picos de 80 watios por canal.
  • Clase: AB
  • Válvulas de potencia: Pentodos EL 34 (x4)
  • Válvulas de ataque (driver stage) : Triodo-Pentodo 7199
  • Válvula de rectificación: Doble diodo GZ34
  • Año de construcción: alrededor de 1960

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Surely many of you know our physical store, many of the fans of Vintage HiFi and collecting has visited us. Because many of our friends can not visit us by distance, we decided to strengthen our website, so you can see our products almost coughing from your devices, so if you see something that may interest you, you can place your orders comfortably from your house.

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