Tascam M-35 + Tascam 34 used


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Tascam M-35 + Tascam 34 working with new belts and cleaned

Tascam 34

Track system: 4-track, 4-channel, stereo/multi channel system

Heads: 2 x record/playback, 1 x erase

Motor: 2 x reel, 1 x capstan

Reel size: up to 10.5 inch reel

Equalization: NAB

Tape speeds: 7 12  15 ips

Wow and flutter: 0.06% (15 ips)

Frequency response: 40Hz to 22kHz (15 ips)

Signal to Noise Ratio: 68dB

Total harmonic distortion: 0.8%

Crosstalk: 50dB

Input: 300mV (line)

Output: 0.3V (line)

Dimensions: 410 x 461 x 256mm

Weight: 20kg

Year: 1982

Tascam M35

The Model 35 is an audio mixing console designed to satisfy the requirements of modern multichannel recording. Many of the auxiliary mixing systems needed are built-in and can be rerouted to do more than one job.

Fast, convenient and complete operation with 4 or 8 track recorders can usually be accomplished without re-patching. However, the process of multichannel recording is constantly changing, growing more complex as an art with each advance in technology.

Your signal processing needs may require a unique arrangement of subsystems. No console has ever been built so large and complete in its routing that it could solve every imaginable problem with one button.

Someone will always be able to come up with that unusual situation requiring just one more mix. In order to cope with these unpredictable requirements, patch points are provided throughout all signal pathways on the M-35.

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