Rolleiflex 3.5C used


Rolleiflex 3.5C serial 1775863

Serials 1.740.000 to 1.787.999 Rolleiflex 3,5 C

Rolleiflex, in excellent condition, please see pictures. The visor lens has a little marks of fungus. The selenium seems to be out of use.

  • Production : from 1956 to 1959, about 43.000 units

  • Type K4C : Carl Zeiss Oberkochen Planar 1:3.5 f=75mm, Coated.

  • Filter Bayonet : Both lenses, size 2

  • Lighmeter system : K4C standard and K41 optional, uncoupled, Selenium photo element, 2 ranges, meter in place of the Memo disc

  • Negative 6x6cm and 24x36mm

  • Leather case and belt included in very good condition

  • Coupled Depth Of Field indicator

  • Dimensions WxDxH: 111 x 96 x 146 mm

  • Weight: 1120 grams

See our Rolleiflex 3,5B

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